How to Wash Your Swimwear Properly

Have you been treating your swimwear with love?

Properly washing your swimsuits will preserve their quality and extend their lifetime in your wardrobe. Say no to the washer & dryer - here’s how to wash your swimwear the right way:

  • Step 1) Rinse ASAP

Don’t wait too long after changing out of your bikini to give it a rinse. Salt, chlorine, sunscreen and other chemicals can eat away at your suits if left in contact for too long, so give it a gentle rinse in cool water quickly.

  • Step 2) Soak in Cool Water

Fill your sink with cool or lukewarm water, and add a very small amount of detergent (we’re talking 1 tsp or less). Let your suit soak for a good 10-15 minutes.

  • Step 3) Gently Spot Scrub Any Stains

If you have any spots or stains, use a little bit of baking soda to gently spot scrub them out, and continue to let soak. This works wonders especially on white bikinis in removing things like makeup and self-tanners.

  • Step 4) Squeeze Gently (do NOT wring!)

After soaking, gently squeeze out your swimsuit to release excess water. Wringing it out is a big no-no, it will stretch out the fibres in your fabric and eventually your suit may lose shape.

  • Step 5) Lay to Dry

We said it before and we’ll say it again, do not place your swimwear in the dryer (you risk losing colour, shape, stretch… don’t do it!). The best thing to do is to lay your swimwear out flat, in a dry place. Avoid direct sunlight – strong rays can dull the shine and colour of your favourite suit.  

And there you have it! Taking these careful little steps will help you preserve your favourite swimsuits, so you can get that brand new love kinda feeling every time you wear them.


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